Last month, while browsing my Instagram feed, I noticed several people participating in the January Photo A Day project, created by
Fat Mum Slim. I didn't realize what was going on until about the middle of January, and I figured it would be too late to join in. I was on the ball in February, though, and I've been participating all month. The principle is simple...each month, Chantelle (Fat Mum Slim) generates a list of things we're supposed to photograph. We snap the photo and upload to Instagram and/or Twitter with the hashtag #febphotoaday. All of the photos are lumped together, and you can look through thousands of photos of other folks all over the world who are participating. It's been a lot of fun, and I've enjoyed looking at the various interpretations of the photo suggestions. Here are my photos from the first ten days of the challenge:
Day 1: My View Today (This is what I see when I look out my backdoor.) |
Day 2: Words (from Radical, by David Platt. This book has really been working on me.) |
Day 3: Hands (Sweet Campbell's hands as we get ready for bed.) |
Day 4: A Stranger (This guy stopped by the house to see if we're interested in leasing any land for planting corn.) |
Day 5: 10am (Last Sunday, Campbell and I had the nursery all to ourselves during Sunday School.) |
Day 6: Dinner (Lasanga soup) |
Day 7: Buttons (from my favorite dress, last worn October 2010 on our cruise...I was 7 weeks pregnant) |
Day 8: Sun (it was a cloudy, overcast day with no sun to be found...but I thought this printable was pretty sunny) |
Day 9: Front Door (I'm thinking of painting it black or red. The dead geraniums are a nice touch, no?) |
Day 10: Self-Portrait (Can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?!)
I've really enjoyed participating in the February Photo A Day project, and I'm looking forward to participating the rest of the year. It only takes a minute, and I enjoy trying to decide what to take a picture of. And it forces me to take pictures of the everday stuff, which is fun. If you're interested in seeing what else we'll be photographing this month, here's the list:
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