Friday, April 15, 2011
33 Weeks
Whew! What a busy week! The 33rd week of my pregnancy is very nearly over, and I almost didn't get around to this week's blog post. Tonight is the first night this week that I was home before 8:30 or 9:00pm, and it's just about worn this girl out! I think the third trimester exhaustion has definitely kicked in! Before I get much further, here's the weekly belly pic, taken at 33weeks 4 days:
I'm still not noticing lots of growth from picture to picture at this point. Once Sprout gets here, I'm planning on printing all of my pregnancy pictures and laying them out in order...I'm sure that when I do that, I'll be able to tell a huge difference! Let's see...what were we up to this week? Monday night we had our next-to-last Empowered Birth class, and it was another good one. This was was about the first few days postpartum, caring for our bodies, and breastfeeding. I've had several friends tell me that they've thought it's a real shame that there's so much time spent focusing on pregnancy, nurseries, showers, etc., but not much time spent talking about what happens after delivery and how to take care of baby. I was so glad to get the information Angela (our instructor) gave us during class Monday night...everything she tells us is just so practical. She gave us some good ideas about what we should have at home after the delivery, and reminded us to ask for extras of some items at the hospital. I've got to write this stuff down so that I don't forget. Our homework for this weekend (besides our reading) is to put together our "comfort measures" bag of items that we plan to use during delivery (lotions, oils, massage tools, etc.). I think it's a good idea...especially for us, because it will force us to do it. Otherwise, David and I would sit around talking about it but not doing it...and then the next thing you know we'd be on our way to the hospital with nothing! I also really need to get to work on writing our birth plan, because I'd like for Angela to look over it to give us her opinion. I know that she's been a doula at several births at Baptist East and with one of the doctors in the practice I go to, so I think she'll be able to tell me whether we're being reasonable or crazy. On Tuesday night, David and I had a date night! We went to a Louisville Bats baseball game, which was pretty fun. Neither of us are baseball fans, but we lucked into free tickets that also happened to be on dollar hotdog/Pepsi night. We had a nutritious dinner of hotdogs and bottomless popcorn! The game was a doubleheader, because the previous night's game had been rained out, but we only stayed for one game. It ended at about 7:45, so we knew it would be after 8:30 when we got home...we turn into pumpkins if we stay out too late! It was nice to just spend some time with David doing something a little different. I had another doctor's appointment on Wednesday, this time with Dr. Brown. He is one efficient doctor! David usually meets me at my appointments about 20 minutes after the scheduled time so that he doesn't have to wait in the waiting room. He didn't even make it there before Dr. Brown was finished! Dr. Brown said that Sprout's heartbeat sounds great, and my belly is measuring exactly where it should be. I also didn't have any weight gain at this appointment! And...this time there was no sugar in my urine, so cutting the sugar out must be doing the trick. Dr. Brown reminded me again that carbs and sugar are the things that will put (extra) weight on the baby quickly, which will result in a large baby...which increases my chances of a c-section. We all know I don't want that! What I like about Dr. Brown and Dr. Basham is that they both seem to want to avoid c-sections, too. I'm okay with a c-section if it's absolutely necessary to keep Sprout safe, but I'll do all I can to avoid it! Wednesday night we also went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital, and it was very informative. A lot of the information we get at our hospital classes is a repeat of what we get at our Empowered Birth classes, but I like going to the hospital classes because I feel like I'm getting an idea of the hospital's philosophies. I was very glad that the nurse/lactation consultant that taught the class talked about how much they believe in "kangaroo care" and the "golden hour" after birth. I really want to have that skin-to-skin contact with Sprout after birth, and I want to be able to delay as many of those newborn procedures as possible for an hour after birth. The lactation consultant told us that they'll do everything they can to help new moms nurse within that hour, and to do everything they can to help moms be successful after they leave the hospital. We also learned that they have a free (!) breastfeeding clinic that will available to us anytime. I'm excited about that. Most of my friends have breastfed their kiddos, and some have had trouble, others haven't. I really want to exclusively breastfeed Sprout for at least 6 months, which I know will be tough when I go back to work. I'm just glad that there are so many resources available to us. Between the classes, my books, and friend/family support, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Thursday night I had to teach for our undergraduate program. It was our next-t0-last meeting, and I'll be glad when it's done. I enjoy the students and hearing about their practicum experiences, but it just seems like this is the semester that just won't end. I think I have a combination of Spring Fever and upcoming maternity leave-itis. I can't wait to have those three months off with Sprout, and I can't believe that in 9 weeks (at the very most) he or she will be here! There's still so much to do! This weekend, I really need to work on organizing Sprout's room. It's pretty much a wreck since my shower two weekends ago, and I have another shower on Sunday. We've got to make room! Sprout has had another very active week, and I absolutely love the movement. I know that I'm going to miss my belly once Sprout gets here. I feel like I've gotten so used to feeling him/her move around in there that I sometimes have to think about whether or not I've felt him/her move. Of course, as soon as I think, "Hmmm...has Sprout moved around within the last hour?" I get a kick, swipe, or wiggle. It's seriously near constant movement lots of times! I read today that an active baby is a healthy this must be one of the healthiest babies around!
Weekly Check In
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I don't know what kind of math you are doing but at almost 34 weeks I would hate to think of 9 more weeks, LOL. But then again I can't imagine going past 38 weeks either thanks to my prompt and efficient girls. :) and yes you will miss baby in your belly and feel silly to be sad about it while snuggling them in your arms. it's a weird moment that no one else understands.
ReplyDeleteIf your little one is anything like his/her mom, they won't be in any hurry to get here as you were 2 1/2 weeks late, and needed a little prodding even then. You have absolutely made the right decision to breast feed. They are some of the most special moments that you will spend with your baby.