Tuesday, March 29, 2011
We're Making Progress!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
30 Weeks
And here's the weekly belly shot. This was taken on Wednesday, when I was 30 weeks and 3 days. I don't look great in it...mostly due to the fact that I'd taken a walk on my lunchbreak and was very windblown and hot! This is the shirt I wore in my 27 week update...I wanted to see how much difference there was in belly size. I don't think there's a lot of difference, though. I had to put the two pictures side-by-side to be able to tell the difference, and it's not all that noticeable. You can tell that the shirt is stretched a little tighter this week, though. :) I have felt a lot bigger this week, that's for sure. And on Sunday morning at church, Mom said she thought my belly had gotten a lot bigger from the previous week. I guess there's definitely been some growth, but I think it mostly has to do with what I'm wearing. I was told by a stranger on Wednesday (when this picture was taken) that I looked really small...so I don't know! I just know that it's getting harder and harder to get up off the floor, and I'm less comfortable sitting on the couch or laying in bed!
In other news, between last week's post and this post, I turned 30! Yikes! I am a planner by nature...I love to plan things out to the most minute detail. For the longest time, I've had my life planned out. I was going to get married at age 23, have a baby by 25 or 26, and probably be done with having kids by age 30. Of course, my plan didn't exactly work out. David and I got married when we were 25, so I revised my plan...I decided we'd have our first baby by the time I was 29. Well...that didn't work out either. (I seem to have a hard time forgetting that things have to happen in His time, not mine!) So here I am, at age 30, expecting our first baby. I'll be completely honest and say that I've had more than one meltdown about being an "old mom". I've never wanted to be an "old mom" and I'm trying to embrace the fact that when my baby is 10, I'll be 40; when he/she is 20, I'll be 50; when he/she is 30, I'll be 60, etc. I have decided, though, that I guess I am quite a bit wiser than I was at 25 or 26...and certainly not as naive, so that will surely work out to my benefit raising this little one!
We had our third Empowered Birth class this Monday night, and I'm really enjoying the classes. I think they've definitely been well worth the money spent. This week, we talked about the progression of labor, how to know what stage of labor you're in, how to cope with pain during each stage, positions for laboring, comfort measures during labor, and the procedures to expect in the hospital upon check-in. It was very informative! We really thought David was going to have his burning question answered this week ("When do I take you to the hospital?!"), but I don't think it was answered to his satisfaction. Angela's answer was this, in a nutshell: "Well, that's pretty much up to you all. My advice is to labor at home for as long as possible. If you get there too early, you're much more likely to end up with a c-section. But if you're still at home, and she's saying, 'I'm done with this...I can't do it anymore!' then you should probably have already gotten to the hospital." Nope...not the answer David was looking for! :)
We've got plans to have maternity pictures taken this weekend by Kristin Sexton. I'm looking forward to not only having the pictures done, but also the opportunity to spend some time with Kristin and her husband, Benson. They're wonderful people, and it's always a pleasure to see them!
Sprout's been pretty busy this week. Right now, he's rolling and tumbling in my belly. I think he enjoyed the Mexican food and DQ blizzard I had tonight! I can tell that he/she is getting bigger. There are times when I can feel little body parts through my belly. I can never tell if it's a head, elbow, knee, foot, hand, or rear end, but I love to feel it! It's incredible to know that there's really just a bit of skin, fat, and muscle separating us...and that in a few months, there'll be nothing to separate us! I wonder a lot about what he/she looks like. I've mentioned several times that I'm convinced Sprout's a boy. I love to picture him. I'm hoping he has a full head of dark hair, and his daddy's olive skin. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Sprout might be a bald, pale, little girl, and I'll love her just the same!
Tonight I had dinner with two good friends, and we had a great time! They've both got two kiddos each, so they've been giving me lots of good advice and encouragement about this whole motherhood thing. Except tonight when Leslie reminded me just how close we are to Sprout's due date...that thought honestly made me a little queasy! I can't wait for Sprout to be here, but at this moment, we're just not ready. At least we're not ready physically...we've got to get it in gear around here. There are curtains to hang, quotes to paint on the wall, shelves to build in the closet, and organizing to be done. Ack! But Leslie and Carrie reassured me that it'll get done, and if it's not, it's really no big deal.
We have our next doctor's appointment on Monday morning, and I hope Dr. Basham is ready for lots of questions. At almost 31 weeks, I've decided that this is really happening, so it's time to get some questions answered!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
29 Weeks
We met again on Monday night for our Empowered Birth class. I'm really enjoying the class, and I think that it's definitely well worth the money spent. Angela does such a great job of presenting the material, and I know that I've learned a lot already, just in the last two weeks. I'm looking forward to future classes. This week, we talked about what happens (physically) during labor, and next week, I think we'll learn more about positions for labor. We didn't have another crunchy-granola relaxation session this week, and I know David was relieved about that!
On Monday and for most of Tuesday, I had tons of Braxton-Hicks contractions. It seemed like every single time I stood up/got up, I had one, and I had lots of random ones in between. On Tuesday morning, I pretty much felt like I was just having one looooooong contraction. They didn't hurt at all, but it there were a lot more than I'd ever experienced in that short of a time frame. I also hadn't been feeling Sprout move very much over those two days. And it didn't help that the previous week in our childbirth class we'd talked about signs of premature labor. So on Tuesday afternoon, I was "that crazy pregnant lady" and called the doctor's office. I spoke with a nurse who listened to me patiently and assured me that what I was telling her sounded very normal for a woman who is 29 weeks pregnant. She asked me to drink more water and to take it a little easy. She also told mIe that as long as I was feeling some kind of movement every hour, then things were probably okay, but that if I went an hour with no movement, to call them back. Luckily, after I had lunch, guzzled water, and stayed off my feet for awhile, things started to get back to normal. The rest of this week, Sprout has been his/her normal busy self, and I've had very few of those BH contractions. I guess it was just one of those things I'll have to get used to in these last months of pregnancy. But I don't feel badly for calling the doctor...I'd rather call and let them think I'm crazy, than not call and have something bad happen.
One of the best things about this week has been the fact that I'm sleeping so much better! I guess my body has finally adapted to side sleeping! It seems like now I'm only waking up once a night, if that. It's made such a difference in how I feel during the day!
The only other excitement we've had this week has been the addition of the glider to the nursery. It's really starting to come together now. I still need to get curtains, French door curtains, shelving, storage, and paint the quote over the crib, but it's feeling much more doable. I'll try to remember to take some pictures to post soon.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
28 Weeks
Monday night, David and I went to our first of seven Empowered Birth classes. I've been looking forward to these classes since we signed up several months ago, but David hasn't been too excited about it. In the few days before the class met, he asked me no less than 12 times, "What do you think this is going to be like?" And each time, my reply was, "I have no idea. I've done this exactly as many times as you have." His main concern is finding out when we need to leave to go to the hospital! I think once Angela (our instructor) answers that question, he'll feel much better. Anyway, I really enjoyed the class. There were about 9 other couples there, and (most) everyone seems pretty nice and easy to get along with. I really like Angela, and I definitely think this will be money well spent. I would really like to experience natural childbirth, but I'm not sure I have it in me. I'm a real wuss. I've never had a broken bone, I've never had stitches...I don't know what real pain feels like. I'm interested in learning how to manage pain and how to be an advocate for myself while I'm at the hospital. As I've mentioned before, I'd like to avoid a c-section at all costs, so I feel like learning how to advocate for myself would be helpful to that end. David and I were both worried that the class would be a little too "crunchy granola" for our tastes, but it went really well...until the end. We had to do some relaxation exercises together, and it was just not our style. First of all, I was physically uncomfortable through the entire thing. My head hurt, my back hurt, my hips hurt like crazy...obviously I was doing something wrong. It wasn't relaxing at all. And David's massage? It felt more like he was petting our dog, Nestle, than massaging my legs. I couldn't help but crack up through the whole thing...we were probably a little disruptive to the other, more focused, students! I'm excited about our second class next Monday...and I have to remember that we've got homework to do!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
You Can't Make This Stuff Up...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
27 Weeks
This morning, I had a doctor's appointment. Instead of seeing Dr. Basham, we met Dr. Brown for the first time. I was hesitant about meeting him, but I liked him. He was very outgoing and energetic, but he was loud! He asked lots of questions and gave me a lot of good information, which I appreciated. He said that during this last trimester, it's very important to focus on nutrition, so he told me that he and Dr. Basham would like for me to eat mostly lean meats and green veggies. They want me to limit carbs (so long potatoes and bread!) and pretty much eliminate processed sweets, except on special occasions. Dr. Brown said that by doing this, we would "have a lean, mean, fighting machine for delivery, and you'll avoid an 8.5 pounder that buys you a c-section." I am going to have to find some significant willpower to follow his advice, but I'll do my best. I'll need some help from family and friends to keep me on track though. But really, I appreciate that he and Dr. Basham seem to try to avoid unnecessary c-sections...even if it means I can' t really have as many sweet treats as I like. He also told me that here in the next few weeks I'll start to notice swelling in my hands and feet, and to be sure to take off my wedding ring if I notice it getting tight. He also looked at my shoes (I almost always wear heels to work) and said, "You won't be able to get your feet into those much longer!" I guess I'll have to start looking at more sensible footwear!
Here's my weekly belly picture, for comparison to previous weeks:
Next week, I'll be in the third trimester! Where in the world is time going?! Some days it seems like I've been pregnant forever, and other days it seems like it's gone by so quickly! I can't wait to meet Sprout (and find out if it's a boy or a girl!), but at the same time, I know I'm going to miss feeling that wiggly body inside my own!