Monday, November 22, 2010

13 Weeks

Here we are at 13 weeks...just one week left in the first trimester! It still feels surreal...especially now that everyone knows that we're expecting. It still catches me off guard when people ask me how I'm feeling, but I'm getting more comfortable with believing that this pregnancy will be happy, healthy, and lead to a precious little one in a few months! We had a good appointment with Dr. Basham this morning, and we got to hear Sprout's heartbeat again. S/he was much more cooperative this morning, and his/her Mommy and Daddy were very thankful. I'm going to try to be brave and go 4 weeks between my next appointment! Hope I can hang in there and not go crazy! Here's the scoop so far:
How Far Along: 13 weeks! Yay
Weight Gain: Somewhere between 3 and 4 pounds total. I'm just glad I got to weigh before Thanksgiving!
Maternity Clothes: Not quite yet. The "fat pants" are still working for me, but getting a little tighter. I did look at some maternity clothes online the other night, but I still think I'd feel like an imposter if I wore them. I'm getting a little bump, but it's nothing that can be seen through my clothes just yet.
Stretch Marks: Still nothing new!
Sleep: Still sleeping like a champ. Trying to get used to sleeping on my side, because I know that I won't be able to be a belly sleeper much longer!
Best Moment This Week: The week is still new, but so far, it's definitely hearing the heartbeat again! I can't imagine much of anything that could top that.
Gender Guess: I really can't say that I've got any hunches on that one. Except that one morning this week, while praying for the baby, I found myself praying for "our little girl." Wonder what that means?!
Belly Button: An innie...can't imagine that'll be changing anytime soon.
Cravings: Nothing, really!
What I Miss: I can't really say that I'm missing anything...I'm quite content!
What I'm Looking Forward To: maternity pants, and another ultrasound (whenever that will be).
Milestones: I'm nearly out of the first trimester!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

12 Weeks's hard for me to believe that I can even type 12 weeks in the title. There was a time when I wondered if it would be possible. But here we are, and things seem to be going perfectly! We had an appointment on Monday with Dr. Basham, and we were able to hear Sprout's heartbeat. Dr. Basham said it sounded great, so we're very happy and optimistic. Here's the weekly update (even though I forgot to do it last week):
How Far Along: 12 weeks!
Weight Gain: 3.2 pounds, as of Monday. But I think it's probably more.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I think it won't be too long. David said just this morning that it looks like I have "a bump, not just fat." Thanks, honey! :) Still wearing the "fat pants" though, and I'm getting by.
Stretch Marks: None that weren't already there!
Sleep: Still sleeping really well! I can't get enough of it!
Best Moment This Week: Definitely hearing Sprout's heartbeat on Monday. What a relief! We're in uncharted territory now!
Gender Guess: Still no idea...I can't even make a guess. I always refer to Sprout as "him" though, but it doesn't mean I think Sprout's a boy.
Belly Button: An innie.
Cravings: Well, I finally got my fried fish sandwich on Friday. I think I've moved on to Mexican food now. And sweets. Oops!
What I Miss: Sometimes I find myself wishing that I could stop worrying about the baby, but I figure that I'll be worrying about this kid until my dying day, so why not start now?
What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm really getting an itch to buy something for Sprout. I haven't let myself do that just yet, but I think I'm ready.
Milestones: Hearing Sprout's heartbeat! Grow, baby, grow!
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