Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One Month!

Our little girl is already a month old...and I just can't believe it. I was just telling David the other night that it's so hard to believe that she's only been here for a month. It just doesn't seem possible, because in a lot of ways, I feel like I've known her forever! I often wonder what life was about before she came. I've been looking at the pictures from the day she was born, and it's amazing how much she's already changed! Here's what she looks like at one month:
What a cutie! I know I'm more than a little biased, but I just think she's a gorgeous, precious, perfect little girl. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I know that God tailor-made her for David and I. She's a good sleeper, a good eater, and a laid-back baby with a wonderful temperament. Sure, she has her fussy times, but don't we all? (I know I do!) I've learned so much over the last month!
* There must be some truth to that whole maternal instinct thing. As a person who didn't have much experience with babies, I've found that a lot of "mothering" comes naturally.
* I will probably never be on time for much of anything again for quite some time...and I'm okay with that.
* I can do a lot more with one hand than I ever thought possible.
* It's incredible just how much poop can come out of one tiny person!
* I'm still in amazement that the milk my body makes is all the nourishment this sweet little girl needs...and she seems to be thriving!
* Things I thought I'd be self-conscious about don't really bother me, because I know it's what my baby needs. (Nursing in public is a prominent example here.)
* Help from family and friends can make all the difference in the world!
* David is the baby whisperer! If I can't get Campbell to sleep, he can. If I can't get her to burp, he can. And he's a great diaper changer!
* Flexibility is one of the most important things to embrace when you have a baby.
* Campbell really likes to be held and carried over your shoulder.
* I know Campbell is my daughter. She loves to eat, loves to sleep, and is a little impatient!
* A real smile from her can make all the stress of the day completely worth it!

On Saturday afternoon, David and I took Miss Campbell to get her one month pictures taken. What an adventure that was! As with most things, she was a really good sport, tolerating clothes changes, flashing lights, and being moved around a lot...but when she was done, she let us know! We got some adorable pictures and had a really tough time choosing which ones to buy. Here's a sneak peek at some of her pictures:

Such a sweet face! I'm so glad we got a few with her bright eyes open!

I love this one. The photographer said, "She just needs a little pair of sunglasses!"

I think she looks quite a bit like I did in some of my baby pictures in this pose.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to beleive that she is already 1 month old! And she just gets more beautiful every day. You are a natural Mommy and it makes me so happy to see you snuggling and loving your baby girl. David does pretty good as a Daddy too! You are just a beautiful family!


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