We got to spend a couple of nights at home this week, which has become a rarity. I honestly can't tell you what we did on Tuesday or Wednesday, except that on Wednesday afternoon after work, I came home and slept on the couch for an hour and a half because I was so stinkin' tired. Then, I got up, fixed supper, piddled around the house a little, then went back to bed! For a couple of days, I had a really bad backache (right between my shoulders) that just wouldn't go away. I couldn't get comfortable at night, so I didn't sleep well at all, and I guess it just caught up to me. Finally it's gone away, and I've slept pretty well the last couple of nights.
Last night (Thursday), we went to another of our hospital classes. This one was called Anesthesia for Labor and Birth. I do want to attempt an unmedicated birth, but I thought it would be good information to have. Well, it turns out that the class was a complete waste.of.time from beginning to end...including our tour of L&D. The nurse who taught the class was not a L&D nurse, so she couldn't answer the majority of the questions folks had. Then, about halfway through the class, they brought in an anesthesiologist to talk about spinal blocks and general anesthesia...and it was quite obvious that the poor man had never seen the PowerPoint slides before in his life, and seemed to have just found out a few minutes prior that he would be talking to us! It was just a mess. The only thing I got out of the class was this: 98% of women who deliver at Baptist Hospital East get an epidural. Holy cow! It makes me a little nervous about attempting an unmedicated labor there. Will they try to pressure me into getting an epidural? Will they be patient with me as I labor? Will they think I'm crazy if I make a lot of noise (which is a particular hangup I do have about the whole thing)? Will they be able to offer support and encouragement as the labor progresses?
We were also able to go on a tour of L&D after that class, which was pretty pitiful, too. Our group was so large that we wouldn't all fit on one elevator, and the elevator with the other group got stuck, so that was quite entertaining. We saw a postpartum room, walked by the nursery, and that was it. We didn't get to see L&D at all because they were "too busy." I guess that means the rooms were all full, but they didn't really say. Of that tour, the best information we learned was what doors to go to when we go to the hospital. So even if David isn't sure when to take me, at least he knows where to go!
Today is the Good Friday holiday, so I'm off work. I'm thinking of heading to Louisville to see about finding "coming home" outfits for Sprout. I need to find a little girl and little boy outfit, just in case. I may head to Costco, too. It's been awhile since we went, and I'd really like to have flank steak for supper one night. YUM! Then this evening is our community-wide Good Friday service. We haven't had one in awhile, so I'm excited to attend.
Tomorrow afternoon, David's side of the family (the Klingenfuses) are giving me a shower, which promises to be a fun time. They are a wonderful group of people who have accepted me as their own family, which I appreciate so much. They're very excited for Sprout's arrival, which I love!
Sunday is Easter! We'll head to church that morning (and Jeff, our pastor, promises that "Easter will kick our kiester" this year), then spend the afternoon with the Klingenfuses at Easter dinner (hosted by Mama). There's always so much food (good food)! And I plan to allow myself to have a little dessert. Surely that will be okay...it's Easter after all!
Sunday also marks 35 weeks...which doesn't seem possible. If I think about it too long, I really realize how soon Sprout could be here, then I hyperventilate a little. We're still not ready. There's so much to do! But we'll get it done, and even if we don't, it'll all be okay. As long as Sprout gets here healthy and safe, that's all I'm worried about!
Does she go cross eyed when she comes?
ReplyDeleteShe’s a moaner I bet. A total cumdump!