Here we are at 26 weeks!
I'm feeling really good for the most part. I'm still having trouble with sleep, but I just think of it as getting into practice for the lack of sleep I'll be experiencing in just a little over 3 months. I don't have any trouble at all falling asleep, but I wake up all.the.time. For the first half of the night, I usually wake up about once an hour. Then, from about 3am-6am, I sleep pretty well...but it's just never long enough! I do have the big body pillow, and that does help to make me more comfortable. I didn't realize how much I've gotten used to it until I went off and forgot it while I was out of town. Hotel pillows just didn't do the trick.
While I was in Columbia, I was able to catch up with an old friend, Benson. He and I were freshman advisors at LWC about 7 years ago, and I always try to catch up with him when I'm on campus. Last June, he and his wife, Kristin, welcomed their first child, Luke, into the world. Luke was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and passed away at 12 days old. Little Luke sure did make his mark on the world in those short days, though. If you'd like to learn more about Benson, Kristin, and Luke, please visit their blog, The Sexton 4. (It was originally The Sexton 3, but now Benson and Kristin are expecting a little girl, just a couple of weeks after us!) In addition to being a phenomenal writer, Kristin is also a very talented photographer, and she'll be taking maternity photos for us in just a little over a month. I'm excited to be able to spend some time with her during the session!
Tonight David and I attended our first of many maternity classes. First up: the Cesarean section class. Oh, how I hope and pray I don't have to have a C-section...especially after the class. I nearly teared up when the nurse teaching the class talked about how I wouldn't be able to hold the baby for over an hour if I had a C-section. The thought of that just absolutely breaks my heart. I can't wait for the moment when they lay that precious baby on my chest for the first time...and to think that it might be delayed for an hour (or more!)...I can't think about it. And besides that, there's all the recovery and lengthy hospital stay to consider. You better believe that I'll be praying for a vaginal birth. I've already had a conversation with Sprout and asked him/her to please be in the correct position when it counts!
As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I was able to spend a couple of days at my alma mater, Lindsey Wilson. I love that place, and I enjoy any excuse to get back down there. During my little bit of down time, I visited the bookstore, and of course I had to pick up a few things! Just a warning...prepare yourself, because you might just die from the cuteness of the items you're about to see:
As of today, Sprout's due date is 99 days away. I can't believe it. The countdown is on!
Too cute! I can't wait to see "our" baby all decked out in LWC attire!